L’objectif de cette formation est de connaître les bases de la programmation Android, les APIs principales afin de réaliser des applications fonctionnelles tout en évitant les pièges.
Les personnes sortant de la formation doivent être capables de :
créer un nouveau projet
réaliser une interface faisant intervenir plusieurs écrans échangeant des données
la constitution, les concepts et l’application de PRINCE2®
– les composants, les techniques et les processus de PRINCE2® et leur interdépendance
– la relation entre les activités quotidiennes de l’entreprise et l’environnement d’un
– la préparation à l’examen PRINCE2® Fondamental
– passage de l’examen PRINCE2® Fondamental
La formation permettra d’étudier les thèmes suivants :
The constitution, concepts and application of PRINCE2.
The components, themes and processes of PRINCE2 and their mutual dependencies.
The relation between daily corporate activities and the environment of a project.
Preparation for the PRINCE2 Foundation examination.
Mastering all all PRINCE2 concepts.
Practical application of the method.
Preparation for the PRINCE2 Practitioner examination.
d’avoir une vue précise de tous les éléments de la méthode PRINCE2
d’être capable d’utiliser la méthode PRINCE2 dans la gestion de leurs projets
d’être prêts à passer l’examen de PRINCE2 Practitioner
Les méthodes agiles représentent un mouvement novateur qui vise à apporter plus de valeur aux clients et managers et une plus grande satisfaction dans leur travail aux membres de l’équipe.
Au cours de cette formation, vous appliquerez les principes et les pratiques de de Scrum, la méthode Agile la plus utilisée.
A la fin de la formation, vous serez capable de travailler dans une équipe Scrum en tant que Team Member, Scrum Master ou Product Owner.
Following completion of this unit, the candidate will possess knowledge of: ? Understanding of the importance of Service Management as a Practice concept and Service Operation Principles, Purpose and Objective ? The importance of ITIL Service Offerings and Agreements while providing service ? How all processes in ITIL Service Offerings and Agreement interact with other Service Lifecycle Processes ? The processes, activities, methods and functions used in each of the ITIL Service Offerings and Agreement processes ? How to use the ITIL Service Offerings and Agreement processes, activities and functions to achieve operational excellence ? Explain how to measure ITIL Service Offerings and Agreements ? The importance of IT Security and its contributions to ITIL Service Offerings and Agreements ? Understanding of technology and implementation considerations surrounding ITIL Service Offerings and Agreements ? Challenges, Critical Success Factors and Risks associated to ITIL Service Offerings and Agreements
Following completion of this unit, the candidate will possess knowledge of:
The importance of Service Management as a Practice concept and Service Operation Principles, Purpose and Objective
The importance of ITIL Planning, Protection and Optimization while providing service
How all processes in ITIL Planning, Protection and Optimization interact with other Service Lifecycle Processes
The processes, activities, methods and functions used in each of the ITIL Planning, Protection and Optimization processes
How to use the ITIL Planning, Protection and Optimization processes, activities and functions to achieve operational excellence
How to measure ITIL Planning, Protection and Optimization
The importance of IT Security and its contributions to ITIL Planning, Protection and Optimization
Understanding of technology and implementation considerations surrounding ITIL Planning, Protection and Optimization Challenges, Critical Success Factors and Risks associated to ITIL Planning, Protection and Optimization